CPU AI base runners will behave more realistically There are no longer issues or bugs preventing you from assigning and playing with a left-handed 2B, SS, or Catcher CPU AI fielders will no longer chase down foul balls that are going to land several rows into the crowd

No longer stands and sits, nor does he face the wrong way.Catcher behaves appropriately when home runs are hit and when line drives are hit Fixed ball warping on catches by the catcher Fixed bug where 3rd baseman would not attempt to tag a baserunner who was sliding in on a steal attempt after a strikeout Previously, a play would be incorrectly ruled a base hit instead of a throwing error when the 1st baseman was pulled off the bag by a poor throw on a play that should have resulted in an out.Previously, multiple errors were recorded when runners advanced an extra base on a throwing error.Bugs involving the correct number of errors have been addressed Fielders will no longer play “give-up” animations in slow motion Smoother looking, more appropriate throw selection when a standing catch triggers.Running throws will not trigger from standing catches Fielders no longer stutter or pop when waiting underneath a fly ball.CPU AI fielders now make relay throws whenever possible CPU AI outfielders attempt to gun out user base runners whenever there is a chance at a close play.Fixed bug where CPU AI outfielders would hold the ball instead of throwing when users tag up Fielders and catchers will not rotate or spin in place when setting up for a pop fly Throwing to a base or to the cut-off man is much more responsive now.Catches and gathers by both AI and User teams will not take as long to break out of Fixed bug where fielder clipped/penetrated through wall to catch HR Fixed bug where robbing a HR counted as both an out and a HR In-game sub screen off the directional pad will show all reliever’s available pitch count range when pitcher is on the mound (including pitcher who is on the mound) Poorly rated relief pitchers also have a much quicker “hook” to be taken out of the game.Middle relievers do not stay in the game as long unless their performance warrants more innings Sub logic has been re-tuned to allow team’s aces to stay on the mound longer during rough, early innings.All-star caliber and elite starting pitchers will not get subbed out of the game after giving up some early runs early in the game In-game sub screen off the directional pad will now show the batter’s pitch count when a pitcher is up to bat The pitch type “Splitter” is now considered a breaking ball rather than a “Fastball” when displayed in the pitch tells/batter’s eye while batting The 2K10 base running camera has been added as an option Will take advantage of more poorly thrown strikes.Will not chase as many poorly thrown balls.Improved CPU AI batter logic for taking pitches Not as many HRs by weak hitting CPU AI players.More home runs by power hitting CPU AI players.How hard CPU AI batters hit the ball is more closely matched to their power ratings than it was before Batters will no longer hit unrealistic, soft liners