I study hearing and speech and play synthesizers and program in my free time. My name is Daniel Guest, and I'm a student of psychology at the University of Texas at Dallas.

If some of the core processing was replaced with Cython or Numba code, you could probably get even more. It combines two sets of tools for granular synthesis (the Granular Toolkit 1.49X and Smooth Overlap Granular Synthesis or sogs), in addition to a groove playback generator.
However, this system allows for a variable number of operators and generators in virtually any combination, with the interface updating to accomodate the different numbers! Play around with it and see what you can come up with! In my experience, I've been able to get a generator with up to 50 grains and 6+ operators running at the same time. Q: Why is the controller file so complicated? Couldn't you just manually assign controls to parameters?Ī: Yes, it's possible and possibly more readable at first to just manually create controls and then assign them to synthesis paramters. If you can't get a nice, pure sine tone out of the synthesizer at this point, something has gone seriously awry! This will result in just the rendering of two oscillators, and no grains. Try removing the grain generator by changing N_GEN to 0 in pm_synth_defaults.py and replacing "a1_2op_1gen" with "a1_2op" in definition of the algorithm attribute in Phase_Mod_Synth's _init_() method. It's also possible you're just synthesizing a bad sound! We're used to hearing synthesized sounds with time-varying envelopes, filters, etc., and without those things raw phase modulation and granulation can sound grating. If you fiddle around with it and still can't get it to run smoothly on your computer, shoot me an email (my contact info is available below). You may get better audio quality by lowering the sample rate, number of operators, number of generators, etc. If they are, you'll get all sorts of glitches/noise on playback.
Unless you have a fast computer, even the default settings for pm_synth may be too much for your PC to handle in real-time. For more information about how phase modulation and granular synthesis work, check out the doc strings in the pm_synth.py file.Ī: Python is not really designed for real-time audio playback or real-time input. The sum of all active grains is the output played back to the user. Max/MSP v4.x still allows publishing to vst (Pluggo), issue with this is you’re gonna face 64bit compatibility problems in 64bit DAWs as the MaxMSP run time is only 32bit (32bit VSTs) but 32lives (separate application that wraps 32 to 64 bit) may be a workable solution. The source waveform is then sampled by a grain generator to create grains, which are tiny snippets of audio. Pm_synth generates a source waveform through phase modulation synthesis.
Control of this patch will be accomplished though the utilization of a Wiimote, which will be interfaced utilizing OSCulator. To run pm_synth, you can type "run main.py" in a Python terminal opened in the pm_synth folder, or you can type "ipython main.py" from a Linux terminal opened in the pm_synth folder (probably similar in Windows/OSX). My final project consists of the implementation of simple granular synthesis in Max/Msp. This is more of a demonstration of the idea of PM/granular synthesis and real-time synthesis than a rigorous implementation of it - pure Python is not really the ideal language for such a thing. It provides the user with an interface to control various parameters of the synthesizer and plays back the output of the synthesizer over the user's default playback device. pm_synth is a real-time phase modulation and granular synthesizer.

The code is designed to be fairly readable and be well documented so that others learning Python (like myself) can readily learn from the code and adapt it to their own projects.
Check out the sound clips below and also there is a download of the Max4Live device which should work with Ableton.Pm_synth is a demo project. I’ve added a random button which can quickly switch up these tunings. The special feature of Crystalline is that each individual grain tuning can be adjusted using tuning knobs, giving the device an analog and spontaneous feel. The device can also be synced to a tempo, so I have managed to make some pretty interesting melodies with it. When paired with a reverb or delay this allows the user to make “crystal” like fragments which ping like glass or ice. The range of the sample and the size of the grains can be adjusted. The plugin has its roots in granular synthesis and allows the user to load in a sample and play it back within specified grains. Everything is usable and there is a whole world of sonic possibilities within a tiny piece of audio. This device is all about fragmentation and delving deep into a sample of audio, creating sound from various sized fragments. Recently I have been creating various instruments on Max, one of which is Crystalline, a granular sampler.